Why Choose Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is the process by which a surrogate (also known as a gestational carrier or gestational surrogate) becomes pregnant (via IVF and embryo transfer) and gives birth to the intended parents’ child. The surrogate is not genetically related to the child. The child may be genetically related to one or both intended parents or neither if egg and sperm donors are used. The intended parents obtain an order declaring them to be the parents of the child during the pregnancy and are responsible for the care and financial expenses of the child.

    Surrogacy offers various advantages over other     family building options such as adoption:

  • The surrogate comes to this process willingly wanting to assist you in building your family, rather than being faced with an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy
  • The surrogate is required to maintain a healthy lifestyle and receive all necessary and appropriate prenatal care while pregnant
  • Surrogacy is more secure because there is no chance of the surrogate changing her mind
  • You can obtain a pre-birth order of parentage and be named as the parents on the baby’s original birth certificate
  • There are no legal proceedings needed after the baby is born (everything is finalized before the birth)
  • You select the criteria for your surrogate (ex. type of employment, age, location) rather than being selected by a birth parent
  • One or both intended parents may be able to be genetically related to the baby

1 Marcus Boulevard, Suite 200
Albany, New York 12205


License Number GS211000

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       Spanish translation and interpreter services available for clients.